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Ahmadinejad's "Hate America" tour to Latin America, threatens U.S. National Security

January 9, 2012

Washington, D.C.– Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) released the following statement regarding Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visit to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Ecuador. Diaz-Balart comments:

“Ahmadinejad’s visit to Latin America must not be taken lightly. As he meets with ruthless, anti-democratic heads of state, who threaten democracy, disregard the rule of law, and violate human rights, the U.S. must remain vigilant. Yet, President Obama seems to think otherwise as he continues to appease and negotiate with our enemies, while criticizing our allies. This trip indicates that our enemies no longer worry how the U.S. will respond due to the lack of leadership from our Commander-in-Chief.

“The trip consists of meetings with like-minded leaders who continuously attempt to undermine the security of the U.S., Israel, and our European allies. Ahmadinejad's visit is more disturbing evidence of Iran's increasing boldness in opposing U.S. interests and bolstering its axis of anti-American alliances in our hemisphere. Iran has reportedly set up its Latin American hub in Cuba, and has bailed out the Cuban regime with lines of credit. These terrorist states are united by the tyrannical oppression of their own people, their abysmal human rights records, extensive espionage activities abroad, support of international acts of terrorism, and their abject hatred of America.

“The people of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Ecuador deserve the same liberties and freedoms we so greatly enjoy on a daily basis; we must stand with them, they deserve no less.

“I urge President Obama to reconsider his failed foreign policy of giving our enemies concessions, while they convict Americans to death or hold them hostage. The close relationship between these ruthless tyrants should remind the free world of the far-reaching threat of Iran's dangerous ambitions. If Iran achieves its nuclear goals, only a fool could expect that the technology would remain confined within Iran's borders. Ahmadinejad's "Hate America" tour is a grave warning of how close, and how imminent, Iran's threat truly is."